Green Donkey Cookery Book

Green Donkey Cookery Book
The start of the adventure

Saturday, 16 January 2016

Happy New Year to you all, and I hope it will be a good one too.
2015 was a bit of an unsettled year for me, and I was not feeling too sad about saying goodbye to it.
And although Christmas was really enjoyable, it felt good to be packing away the decorations till next year, and also wondering where we would be next year.  It's quite exciting to think that we could be decorating our tree in a new house!  Well, hopefully an old house, that's new to us.

Here is a fab tree, that is not ours.  This tree was admired at the start of our 3 week festivities, in the home of Val, Mr Cooper's cousin.  A most unusual image for Val's house, as it does not show any people.  Usually a picture taken in this room would include at least 4 adults and 6 children.

It was my plan to take lots of Christmas photos, but to a large extent you have all been spared, as my camera ceased to function during  Christmas weekend number one, so you will all have to imagine what a fab time we had with my younger bro Mark in Portishead with his family.  But don't worry, we all drank responsibly.  We used a wide variety of drinks to ensure that the Quality Streets did not present us with a choking hazard.

In the traditional way, I decorated the cakes on Christmas Eve, the last outing for a while for my Christmas cake decorations.  In the new 'moving house' regime they come under the heading of 'clutter' and will be packed away soon, until they emerge once again victorious to add colour and clutter to our new abode.

In a less traditional way, as I did not want to eat lots of cake, I decorated a cake tin with marzipan and icing, to allow my figures their last romp in The Gables.

And to please Sam, I also decorated a smaller tin, for his Lego Christmas characters.
(Black treacle, if you are wondering)

Christmas day, and dinner number 2, the Christmas goose.  Here I am wearing the best apron ever (thanks Juliette) doing a quick baste before popping down the road for our usual Christmas morning drink, a couple of pints of HSB.  Sam took this photo using his old ipad which has become my new one!  And I went on to impress him by being able to transfer the image to my blog.  Well, I actually only impressed myself and Mr Cooper, as Sam did not think that was in any way a clever manoevre!

We had a great Christmas day, me, Mr Cooper and the boys, with really lovely presents too.  And when I took the boys back on Boxing Day, I realised just how lovely our presents had been, when I saw one that had been given to their Dad!

Milly is a fairly beautiful elderly cat, but it's strangely unsettling when her image is added to a gigantic cushion.  Not suitable for rooms used by small children and people of a nervous disposition!
Her beauty has completely disappeared, and in fact has mutated to an image of horror.

Then came Christmas dinner number three, turkey with Rachael and Ben.  A repeat of Christmas Day, including the HSB, but also a chocolate orange.  Just as good as Christmas day, with yet more presents!

Then up to Glasgow to spend New Year with my big bro Simon and his family.  We had such a great time, arriving to enjoy their annual dinner of party food from M&S.  We continued in a similar vein, pausing only for more feasts (lobster and langoustine for one, rib of beef for another) or another bottle of fizz.  Plus, one of the best presents ever, my dinasour necklace!  There is not an outfit that it does not go with. What a great start to hopefully a great year.

Si is starting his year with a new book and a new interest.  He is learning to play the bass guitar, so he will be able to accompany his youngest, Lucas.

My book for this year is motivated by greed, not enlightenment.

Well, perhaps 'greed' is too strong a word.  Rather, how to convert 'clutter' to 'cash'.  In the past, my de-cluttering has involved trips to charity shops, and donations to friends.  Perhaps by chapter 3 I will have given up on eBay, and reverted to those tried and tested methods!

We got back from Glasgow in time for me to attend my work's do.  The staff from 'The Greyhound' in Stockbridge arrived in force at 'The Greyhound,' Broughton for an evening of delicious Thai food, and as much drink as you desired.  Are you ever worried after a staff party that your views  became too frank, and you may have caused offence?  Don't worry any more, take a tip from the chefs and just drink so much that you remember very little of the actual event.
 That way, you are totally oblivious of any offence caused!

Here I am with the gorgeous Caz…………..

……………….2 artists together.  Caz is an exceptionally talented animal portraitist.
Do go and explore her website and her work.

Well, back to work now.  And for the next 2 weeks I will be giving Sam a hand, in 'Thyme and Tides'.
I started yesterday, and spent a jolly day washing up, then sorting things out.  I found, just like in Harry Potter, a sorting hat was most beneficial!

Well, all back to normal now, whatever normal is*.  I think 'normal' had better become days without red wine and chocolate, but rather days where I do go swimming, and I do continue read 'eBay for Dummies'.  Before settling down at night to enjoy a healthy stir-fry whilst sipping water. Sounds great!

I hope your 'normal' also includes a big chunk of fun, and I look forward to being with you all again next week.
ps, my camera is better, it only needed a new battery, phew.  We are united again!

*Is this normal for most people, or just me?