Green Donkey Cookery Book

Green Donkey Cookery Book
The start of the adventure

Wednesday, 21 January 2015

Lets start this week's blog with a taste of summer to come…..

 After a week of scraping ice from the windscreen, or remembering where I left my umbrella, I thought a little more warmth and colour was needed for us all.

This painting came about when I read the phrase in a novel.  I thought it was so charming and very evocative, and 'Holiday In My Heart' was the result.
My painting is now in the process of leaving the studio to become part of my pink bedroom. It will lean against the wall there until me and Mr Cooper eventually get round to finding the drills, screws and spirit level.

In my work, there are signature images that appear. Look out for this image again, at the end of this blog.

Just in case you are wondering where the Green Donkey Cookery Book has gone…..

Last week I told you about the 'Affordable Art Exhibition' at the Cloudhopper Gallery., running form the 13th January - 7th February
The other two paintings I submitted are 2 companion pieces, very much cake-based art.
Pictured above is 'Celestial Picnic With Swiss Roll'
and its companion piece
'Terrestrial Picnic with Swiss Roll'

These are for sale at the truly amazing price of £50 each.  If you are almost tempted but need a little more urging, in my studio there are the 'Millionaire Shortbread' picnic paintings, and also the 'Battenburg Cake' picnic paintings. Contact me for more details.
They will be in evidence later on in May, as part of the Chichester Art Trail. The dates are 2nd, 3rd and 4th May, and 9th and 10th May.

What am I painting at the moment? It is a larger painting, which will bring together many elements from my life.  
I thought I would show you the painting as it evolves, which will help show how I work.  I started it last year then left for a few months. 
 When I am involved in creating a more complex  image, I always needs time to reflect and to work out the direction.  Sometimes I do a huge amount of sketching before starting the final piece, so I have made this journey before I start.  This is necessary when creating a pen and ink drawing. 
 When painting, ideas can evolve on the canvas. 

Anyway, here is 'Cindrella', most of the basic elements are present.  It should now begin to unfurl. 
 I hope you enjoy watching this process, I am just off now to do some more unfurling.

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