A blog describing the creation of my illustrated cookery book, plus all the creative work that has hampered its creation!
Green Donkey Cookery Book

The start of the adventure
Friday, 27 February 2015
This week, 'awakening' is all around us. I am driving along with snowdrops gleaming in the verge on one side of the road, and lambs gambolling in the fields on the other side of the road!
Also, Mr Cooper is emerging from his lengthy spell of ill health, and is actually taking an interest in life again. As you read on, you will find it's probably a strange kind of interest…..
Last week I was so pleased that I had a painting that I felt was just right for the forthcoming 'Awakening' exhibition at the Oxmarket Centre of Arts in Chichester. http://oxmarket.com/about
This week, after reading the small print, I find that it is just 20cm too big to meet the requirements.
I did think of entering the painting above, but I wanted something that hadn't been in an exhibition before. Then a glimmer of an idea appeared.
After a few days driving to and from work, surrounded by lambs and flowers, and then the solitary hours spent at work at the steamy sink (A good place to think, I find) these thoughts came together to form a single resolve. I decided that I wanted to create a detailed drawing based on idea behind the painting by William Holman Hunt, titled 'Awakening Conscience', painted in 1853.The painting is shown below.
My drawing will be set in the 1960s, and be titled, 'Awakening Conscience…….' and then a pertinent sentence to follow.You should see my completed drawing inspired by this this next week. I am starting it after writing this as I have only 15 days to get it completed and framed. Nothing like a deadline to spur you on.
Back to the awakening of Mr Cooper……….
Mr Cooper astounded us all in 'The Travs', our much-loved local.http://travellersjoyemsworth.co.uk/
We were enjoying our usual Sunday afternoon drink (pint of the visiting bitter and a large Shiraz) when he announced he was bringing a new dish to our weekly roast.
He proudly announced he was going to roast cauliflower leaves. Not only was he serious about this, he was not at all hampered by the expressions of disbelief on all of our faces.
Colin, Christian, Erin and I all said 'Cauliflower leaves!?!' plus a little more than that, but Mr Cooper remained undeterred. In fact, you could say he was not heeding any advice offered at all, such as, 'That sounds disgusting'; 'You can't be serious'; ' Why would you do such a thing?'
Then we returned to The Gables and set about preparing our meal. One of us preparing the cauliflower leaves, the other preparing the rest.
After a very enjoyable roast chicken, there was only one thing left on both of our plates. Strangely enough, a roasted cauliflower leaf. The tasty onion, garlic and chili accompaniments were gone from them. There they lay, tasting just as you would imagine a singed and roasted cauliflower leaf to.
Not one for the Green Donkey Cookery Book.
Returning to my artistic achievements from the last week.
I have had such fun painting Cinderella, as you can see. Here she was at the start of the week,
And here she is now.
Sadly, this is the way she has to stay until I have completed my 'Awakening' drawing. And, what is much harder than drawing it, I have to decide on it's title.
Just one more thing before I go. On Monday 2nd March I am taking part in the 'Wearable Art' fashion show at 'The Cloudhopper Gallery' in Bognor Regis. Tickets £10, 7.30pm start. http://www.cloudhoppergallery.co.uk/#!events
I will be modelling my lino-printed prawn cocktail apron, and also a dress made from video tapes made by another artist.
I will get Mr Cooper to take a photo of the video tape dress for you to see. Here I am wearing my Prawn Cocktail apron on a lovely sunny summers day at the Stansted Park Garden Show.
A good reminder that winter does not last forever.
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