Two major things have happened to disrupt the art-flow this week. Firstly, working for money. The hours are long, the pay not tremendous, and as a member of the 'Young at Heart' club, the work is tiring. However, the tips are good, and 2 days at the sink just about enables me to keep chasing the wolf from the door, although he keeps having a very good chew at it! Lots of the conversations are interesting, and I share these with Mr Cooper at the weekend (adds a certain spice to a Sunday) but they would change this blog from being 'suitable for the whole family' to 'broad-minded over 18s only'
And secondly, this week me and Mr Cooper are celebrating our fifth anniversary for our wedding in the garden. We are having a 3 day mini-break at home, where we are aiming to ignore our differences in opinions on quite a lot of things, and focus on the bits we agree on!
5 years ago, Mr Copper had a lot more hair! And as always, my lovely bros have none.
What about my working for money in the art world? Well, my plans for the Owslebury Show advertising board are evolving.
To make them evolve at a more rapid rate, I have asked to meet the show's organiser, Nigel White, next week, to discuss the preliminary sketches. When they have met with approval, then you shall see the image unfold. Just imagine at the moment an assemblage of cakes, jams, marquees, sunny blue skies, vegetables and hula-hoop dancing girls, and a pony. Maybe the Maypole will make an appearance, maybe not.
As for my artwork which involves spending money and not earning it, I have registered to enter 3 drawings for the Jerwood Drawing Prize,
and have also registered to enter at least one artwork for the National Open Art Competition.
So I am one artwork short at the moment. I have June in which to produce a masterpiece!
And as well as this, I am still swimming at least 3 times a week. 12 lengths, which is what I do at the moment, is equivalent to a quarter of a mile.
One good thing about swimming with a significant tattoo is it is very much like going for a walk with a dog. There is always someone who comes up to have a chat about it, as I catch my breath between lengths. In fact, after coming to the end of my session, one of the lifeguards said that he liked my Phoenix. One day, it will be my style!
Must add some more colour to the above.
Bedtime reading this week,
Very good, but I seem to have read the last book first, and the middle book second. As I have enjoyed both, I will now aim to read the first book, third!
Knitting, carried out in the evenings to keep me awake, and between shifts at work, going well.
House improvements, the next seagull cabinet has been painted………..
Mr Cooper was a bit sad after reading last week's blog, so this week I must make amends, and point out that not only is he extremely good at hoovering, but is also amazing at tidying and cleaning, which apparently I'm not.
I have just remembered I have not even started to make a green donkey pantomime costume for the pantomime horse race, or even found out when this will be. But, I have bought 2 lengths of material to make a couple of posh summer frocks for our September holiday in Puglia.
Beautifully whacky and…..
…………. beautifully vintage (if upside down)
And to leave you now with all good wishes for the week ahead, and another photo,

Does anyone recognise these handsome lads from 5 years ago?
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