Green Donkey Cookery Book

Green Donkey Cookery Book
The start of the adventure

Friday 27 February 2015

This week, 'awakening' is all around us.  I am driving along with snowdrops gleaming in the verge on  one side of the road, and lambs gambolling in the fields on the other side of the road!
Also, Mr Cooper is emerging from his lengthy spell of ill health, and is actually taking an interest in life again.  As you read on, you will find it's probably a strange kind of interest…..

Last week I was so pleased that I had a painting that I felt was just right for the forthcoming 'Awakening' exhibition at the Oxmarket Centre of Arts in Chichester.
This week, after reading the small print, I find that it is just 20cm too big to meet the requirements.

I did think of entering the painting above, but I wanted something that hadn't been in an exhibition before. Then a glimmer of an idea appeared.

After a few days driving to and from work, surrounded by lambs and flowers, and then the solitary hours spent at work at the steamy sink (A good place to think, I find) these thoughts came together to form a single resolve.  I decided that I wanted to create a detailed drawing based on idea behind the  painting by William Holman Hunt, titled 'Awakening Conscience', painted in 1853.The painting is shown below.

My drawing will be set in the 1960s, and be titled, 'Awakening Conscience…….' and then a pertinent sentence to follow.You should see my completed drawing inspired by this this next week.  I am starting it after writing this as I have only 15 days to get it completed and framed.  Nothing like a deadline to spur you on.

Back to the awakening of Mr Cooper……….
Mr Cooper astounded us all in 'The Travs', our much-loved local.

We were enjoying our usual Sunday afternoon drink (pint of the visiting bitter and a large Shiraz) when he announced he was bringing a new dish to our weekly roast.
 He proudly announced he was going to roast cauliflower leaves.  Not only was he serious about this, he was not at all hampered by the expressions of disbelief on all of our faces.
Colin, Christian, Erin and I all said 'Cauliflower leaves!?!' plus a little more than that, but Mr Cooper remained undeterred.  In fact, you could say he was not heeding any advice offered at all,  such as, 'That sounds disgusting';  'You can't be serious'; ' Why would you do such a thing?'

Then we returned to The Gables and set about preparing our meal.  One of us preparing the cauliflower leaves, the other preparing the rest.

After a very enjoyable roast chicken, there was only one thing left on both of our plates.  Strangely enough, a roasted cauliflower leaf.  The tasty onion, garlic and chili accompaniments were gone from them.  There they lay, tasting just as you would imagine a singed and roasted cauliflower leaf to.
 Not one for the Green Donkey Cookery Book.

Returning to my artistic achievements from the last week.
I have had such fun painting Cinderella, as you can see.  Here she was at the start of the week,

And here she is now.

Sadly, this is the way she has to stay until I have completed my 'Awakening' drawing.  And, what is much harder than drawing it, I have to decide on it's title.

Just one more thing before I go.  On Monday 2nd March I am taking part in the 'Wearable Art' fashion show at 'The Cloudhopper Gallery' in Bognor Regis. Tickets £10, 7.30pm start.!events
I will be modelling my lino-printed prawn cocktail apron, and also a dress made from video tapes made by another artist.
I will get Mr Cooper to take a photo of the video tape dress for you to see.  Here I am wearing my Prawn Cocktail apron on a lovely sunny summers day at the Stansted Park Garden Show.

A good reminder that winter does not last forever.

Friday 20 February 2015

The nights are noticeably shorter and the daffodils are growing tall, but there is no escaping from the fact that we are still in winter.
In fact, here in 'The Gables', we are enduring a real 'low' on many fronts; Mr Cooper has been ill and out of action for over 3 weeks now.
Time to invent a spring all of my own, and put my thoughts in a warmer, more positive place.

The real spring is after all just around the corner.

The Oxmarket are feeling the approach of spring too. They are asking for a submissions for an future exhibition titled 'Awakenings'.

As I sat in my studio painting away at the odd jam tart and magic wishing chair, I wondered if I already had a suitable image for 'Awakenings' or if there was indeed time to paint one.  And then I saw one of my paintings so familiar to me that I had temporarily stopped seeing it. Bingo!

This image really was painted as a result of an awakening, an awakening that occurred many years ago in Springtime……….

So on the practical side, a little tidying to the edges, and then the completion of the online submission form.

Even Mr cooper agreed last week that it was too cold for me to be working in the studio (he has a fear of my creative processes invading the house). I have to paint in there, but smaller works have made their way to the kitchen table, where I am compiling my entry to the Jerwood drawing prize.

The first part of my jigsaw drawing is nearing completion. A now familiar sight to you all, the Green Donkey with new life attached ( on a trifle, of course).

My drawing will consist of 6 aspects from 2014, one of which in particular is to come forward into this year and most likely for many years to come.  All will be revealed as the pieces are completed. 

When I can bear to, I leave the warmth of the radiator and go outside to add more to 'Cinderella'.
On the one hand this has become much more fun as, like in decorating, all the ground work is now complete and I am now painting the parts that are fun to add.
But on the other hand, the time to actually paint Cinderella is drawing near.  I must soon admit that all the images around her, including  Siamese cats, green and yellow stripy wings and smiling green fish are all complete, and she is the only thing (and also the most important part of the painting) left to do. Scary.

When younger, how many of you wanted to turn into a princess, like she did?

Like an early Spring, this happens in my head. Now, as then.  

Friday 13 February 2015

The snowdrops are out in my garden now, lovely to see signs of new life and growth in this very cold month.  Lovely also to see a Battenberg cake flying heavenwards!

Earlier this week I went to the Cloudhopper Gallery, to collect my paintings that didn't sell in their 'Affordable art' exhibition.
Amongst them was 'How does Your Garden Taste?' Still a bargain, still for sale!

This was inspired by my early childhood reading material, where magic lands accessed by flying chairs had food-producing vegetation!
How amazing indeed it would be to have cake and tart producing shrubs and bushes growing in your very own garden.
Well, stay reading because this does happen in my garden, right at the bottom of it.

My next 'Cloudhopper' event will be to participate in their 'Wearable Art' fashion show, an event I featured in last year.!events
  This year I will be taking again to the catwalk, which was such fun.  with so many people looking at you, and what you are wearing, clapping and taking photos, it was really rather like getting married!

In the meantime, with Mr Cooper laid low again, I am looking forward to a weekend in my studio, and not in the pub. Sad in one way, productive in another.

 Hope you are feeling better now, Juliette, I missed you at work on Thursday.

So here is 'Cinderella' as you saw here last time,

……...and here she is on Friday the 13th.

Jam tarts have arrived on the bush, having 'grown' on it, at the bottom of my garden.
Next time you see her, the chair will hopefully have coloured wings, and cats on it too.

Some of the next 3 days will also be spent  with my sons.  With Sam in the kitchen at Woodfire all day Saturday, (Sam with the skills, me washing up and weighing).
And with John in a cold garden on Monday, helping to pollard an Ash, (John with the skills and chainsaw, me with the hand saw and stacking duties).

Such is life.  See you next week.

Wednesday 4 February 2015

Toasting the almonds makes the spikes taste delicious, but adding eyebrows makes a hedgehog cake look too anxious about being devoured!
 Meet Barry, created and mostly eaten on the 29th January, and completely eaten on the 30th.

One thing I must do this year is to crystallize my own angelica, as shop bought angelica lacks that vibrant 70s glowing green. (Look at Barry's eyebrows, they are a little insipid.)
There is another thing I also need to do this year, which combines one of my New Year resolutions, and the book I am starting to write.

In the sketch above, my green donkey gains a foal, plus kitchen accessories which grow as trees.  This image is appearing in my 'Cinderella' painting, in one of the windows.  

 Look at the green of the painted angelica (yes, the donkey is now on top of a trifle)  That is the intensity I am after, when I make my own.
This image will also form part of my entry for the Jerwood drawing prize, where it will become on of 6 jigsaw pieces about my life in 2014.

So, what is the other important thing I have to do, as well as writing a book, writing a blog about why I am not writing a book, painting, drawing, cooking, being married, etc.

Well, if I am to enter the Pantomime Horse Race in London this year, (New Years Resolution) surely it would be better to enter as a Green Donkey? 

Which means making the complete outfit as well as growing and crystallising angelica!

We ate the Hedgehog Cake at bookclub.  It was called Barry, and seemed to get the hang of being eaten, as the night wore on.

Here is the recipe so you can make your own cake, and some pictures also to help in the construction.
Sorry it is all in Imperial, which is how many of my recipes are. 

6oz butter
60z caster sugar
3 eggs
6oz S.R flour, which includes 1 tablespoon of cocoa powder.
1 tablespoon milk

Cream the butter and sugar, add the eggs one at a time, beating after each one. Sieve in the flour and cocoa, then fold in gently, adding the milk to ensure a dropping consistency.

Bake in 2 x 7 inch greased sandwich tins at 180 degrees c for 25-30 minutes, turn out and leave till cold.

Make a butter cream by creaming 8oz butter then sieving into it 11oz icing sugar and 1 oz cocoa powder.  Mix until smooth and delicious.

Cut your cakes and assemble on a plate as follows below. 

When all the pieces are cut ready to assemble, use the butter cream to sandwich them together on a serving plate, and then to coat the cake to resemble a tall hedgehog.
Eat the off-cuts.

When coated to your satisfaction, add sliced almonds to provide the spikes (toasted or un-toasted, your preference) a cherry for the nose and smarties for the eyes.  Use angelica to provide eyebrows if desired.  These do add emotions to your hedgehog's face, be warned.

Then slice, serve and enjoy.

This cake is definitely designed for sharing, so gather together your friends and family.  
Speaking of which, a big wave hello to Margaret and Emily, it was lovely to see you again.