Green Donkey Cookery Book

Green Donkey Cookery Book
The start of the adventure

Monday 15 June 2015

How lovely it was to wake up on Friday, and to realise I had 3 days ahead of me, in which I can work.  In my life, this means I can paint….hurrah.  An activity which is often interrupted by washing up for money, and social activities.

Last weekend was a whirl of social activities, as we went to a family BBQ in Bristol.  Mr Cooper was a bit uneasy as we crossed the river, as the BBQ was being held 'south of the river' in Bristol.  And we were leaving the land of Bristol Rovers (gas heads) to go into the alien land of Bristol City (something-else heads)

We had a lovely day, but 2 things remained in my mind afterwards.  Firstly, although being older means you are almost certainly invisible to those aged 35 and under, and it does mean that you have gained some wisdom.  As a consequence, we did not drink the punch.  It was like being in a game of skittles, and watching the punch-drinking pins fall all around you throughout the afternoon.
Secondly, when someone said 'I do love your shoes', and I said 'thank you,' it came as a sadness to realise it was Mr Cooper she was speaking to, not me! As one who has many different and wonderful shoes, it was sad for not only my face to be invisible (too old) but also my footwear (eclipsed)

They are rather good, though.  As son Sam said later, that is what will happen if we visit the Dr Marten outlet shop in Gunwarf Quay, and I encourage Mr Cooper to make a purchase.

Returning to real work…….I need to get my Owslebury Show board ready for painting today, adhesive removed, rubbed down and primed, and tomorrow the design can be applied.

Here it is on Monday, after 4 layers of primer and five hours of painting.

And also, I have another commission I am very excited about, but one which I can't show you yet, as it is for someone who is a reader of this blog.

Also this weekend, I must read the bookclub book as we meet on Wednesday.  I have been putting this on hold as I have been absolutely captivated by reading 'The Sea' The Sea' by Iris Murdoch.  I finished it this morning, and I am so glad I have read it, this one will stay with me.  A story on so many levels.

Sam was 24 on Wednesday.  When I had got to his house in the morning, put the candles in the cake, and then said 'I have got my camera with me' (another quaint habit from a 'young at heart' person, my camera is separate to my phone) he said, I suppose you only want this for your blog, and ambled off.
Here are his cards, his cake (a recipe for the Green Donkey Cookery Book, Cold Tea Cake)
and the family cat, Millie.  She is in one of her natural habitats which is on top of the table.  Luckily, she doesn't like fruit cake.

Millie hasn't really got red spikes, she is posing in front of an artwork of a shark.

Then Sam and his parents went off to have a fabulous lunch at Tanoshi Fusion in Winchester.
The food was amazing ( I want to go again, and eat what just I had before, with the addition of soft-shelled crabs) the staff presented Sam with a birthday desert, and sang 'Happy Birthday' all the way through, and George, whilst insisting his remarks were linguistic, not racial, was eventually persuaded not to continue saying 'this chicken is rubbery' 'aaaah so' and others.
If you live near enough to eat there, do so.  Not only are the flavours amazing, but the textures are awesome.

And as well as all that, my jumper is progressing nicely…….

And my shoes for this weekend are these, chosen for being unsuitable for someone over 50.

Looking forward to catching up with you all in a weeks time.

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